Pune Tweetup 2 #ptu2 was organized by pune tweepls on 6th June 09 at Cafe Mint, Senapati Bapat Road. For the meet more than 100 tweepls had registered. The last Pune Tweetup was a grand success with the highest numbers of attendees. We were expecting the same amount of attendees this time too. The Wifi for the Tweetup was provided by Pune IT Labs as it was next to the Venue. Pringoo had sponsored the twitter handle stickers for the attendees. Mint Cafe kept unlimited soft drinks and starters for just 3000 bucks (Thanks to the efforts of shail, nishant,amit ).
25-30 tweepls were present by the time the event started. As usual there was an introduction round of the attendees, which includes Attendees name, Twitter handle and his intro in 3 words. This time @vishalgadkari, @@krity_deb @saurabhshah started with the live tweets. After the intro round @d7y (Dhananjay Nene) took the charge of the tweetup as the theme was decided as fun, their were no sessions by anyone but there was random talks on some topics like “Twitter Vs Facebook Vs Orkut Vs LinkedIn”, “Twitter usage “, “whom you should follow and whom you shouldn’t”, “Use of twitter for actors like gulpanag”. The debates were turning in to a lots of fun for the attendees.
The soft drinks were served after 45 min and as soon as the starters were served it started to rain heavily. It was a real excitement as even god showed his presence in the meet up. Everyone were busy chatting with the new attendees and light went off. Even in the dark the excitement was the same, nobody lost their interest but were actively participating in the discussions (the discussions were going in different groups ). The meetup actually turned up into a candle light tweetup and i guess it would be the first ever Candle light tweetup. We even had a journalist vishal Gangavane of Pune Mirror with us to cover the meetup. The best part was he was there till the end of the meetup.(Normally journalist don’t wait till the end)

The meetup came to an end at 9.20 pm. The meet was a successful even it was not big as the First Tweetup but the experience was great. Most unusual tweetup till date. In midst of heavy rain, venue flooding, power cut, cold drinks, snacks, Candle light and of course hot discussions… make up a good tweetup.
Here are the twitter handle of the attendees of tweetup (Pls let me know if i am missing anyone)
@rkj007 @s3630 @vishalgangawane @_god @theravishankar @trakin @sahilk @bosky101 @ravishmody @joesat @rkartha @prateekgupta @shrutijakhete @saurabhshah @krity_deb @vishalgadkari @mcurie @shardulmohite @rrdasgupta @dipaliekbote @sridharo @aseemjakhar @vipulk @nishanth23 @links4u @d7y @dnene @vaibhavkamble @ketankhaimar @irohan @iamsb @sumitshah @purvapar @thecancerus @freegeek @illuminatus @prashant3535 @freespiritjain @abhijeetpatil @paragr @nimmo

Hey nice yaar…once i am in pune surely want to be part of all this FUN activities…Nothing so good happening here in Goa…Till then happy tweeting… @coder_id
It was fun being there… And yes saying Tweeeeeeeeeeeet in the candle lights and rain was fun.
@VishalGadkari – Is there any way to tag the pics with their Handles/Actual names? I think it would be helpful for all!
good read, awesome article!
Thanks 🙂
The tweetup was really nice.. got to meet a lot of new people..
Missed out on all the fun!! 🙁